"No matter how hard moving is, once we arrive to our new duty station it only takes that first knock on the door of our new quarters to start feeling at home.  Having a new neighbor knock on your door, (most of the time with a plate of cookies in hand) to say welcome to the neighborhood is where it all starts...."   I wrote that in this post on 3 March when our time in Korea was coming to an end.

Within the first 8 hours of being in our new quarters there was a knock on our door.  Within the first 48 hours we had 7 neighbors stop by to say hello and welcome to the neighborhood.  I LOVE post living.
Post living is the life for me....and WOW, what the Army has done to post housing. We were lucky (if you call waiting for 8 weeks in a tiny 3 bedroom apartment with 6 people lucky) to get into the 'new' housing on FT. Hood!  Here is a view of our quarters before we moved in.
Yes, that is a 2 car garage (on post)!
A REAL laundry room, not an area I have to hang curtains in front of! (If you have ever lived on post you know what I am talking about.)
It might be a small kitchen, but there is an ice maker in the door of that fridge, and we have a gas range!
Dining room
View from the entry
And then the fun begins....
Boy 2 & 3's room
Even before all deliveries were made, we had to take a break for a little birthday celebration! 
Remember our birthday tradition of "you get whatever you want for your birthday breakfast"?  Well, that applies if you have not been in your house for 24 hours. 
Birthday celebration done, now back to painting & deliveries & unpacking...
This was our 2nd delivery, we had 16 crates delivered in all.
Lovin' my orange dining room!
Girl's room, you need sunglasses to enter.
It has been 3 weeks since we moved in, things are coming together quite nicely even though we had WAY TOO MUCH STUFF!!  I'll start posting pictures of the completed projects soon.
You would think since we have moved more than a dozen times in 15 years we would have it down to a science.  I thought so too.  This move has proved to be our most challenging move of all time.  We hit walls every time we turned around once arriving on Texas soil.  First, our rental car was too small (and it was UGLY), Hubby had to make two trips to the hotel, one with luggage, and then one with passengers.  Next, Ft. Hood did not have a house for us even though we had been in contact with them at least 3 months out & were assured we should be able to get right in.  OK, that stuff happens, I can understand that, people don't move out when they say they are going to, we can live in a hotel for a couple of weeks, no big deal as we are number 1 on the waiting list.
Next thing, I went to enroll the kids in school, only to be told by someone (I won't mention any names here) that my kids could not go to the school where we are going to live because we do not have a house assigned to us.  I was told I would need to enroll the children in the school district of our hotel, and then move them once we got into housing.  ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!?!  This unnamed person wanted me to move my children 3 times in one school year because he didn't want to fill out a letter of intent for me?  Then he blamed it on the KISD.  Whatever.  He messed with the wrong Army Wife.  After asking 3 times for the letter and being told no, I started making noise and went over his head because I knew this is not right and it seemed to me someone was on a power trip.  To make a long story short, a new policy was written because I could not & would not let this one go for the sake of all children moving to Ft. Hood.  This should not happen again, and if it does, just leave a message on here for me.  Finally, (after 5 wasted school days) the kids are in school.  Next, around day 12, we find out housing gave our house to SOMEONE ELSE!!  WHAT!?!?!  Again, long story short, things got mixed up....we had to find temporary housing.  We are now living in a 'beautiful' (Did you sense the sarcasm?)  3 bedroom apartment (remember, there are 6 of us) on air mattresses on loan from friends.  Our friends have also loaned us a coffee machine, microwave, lamps, sheets, TV, can opener and much more).  Thank God for friends.

As of yesterday we got word we will be moving into our house on post on 6 May.  Thank the Lord!  I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.  We have been living out of suitcases for 6 weeks now.  By the time it is all said and done we will have been living out of suitcases for 8 weeks.  However I am very thankful we have a roof over our head, cars to drive and food to eat.  It could be much worse.  I think God must have big plans for our family here.
I'm a Texas girl, born & raised.  I left the state of Texas in the summer of 1990 and started sewing my oats as ‘they’ say. I met my future husband in the winter of 92 & at that point I wasn't sure I would ever return to Texas.  Well, as Texas would have it, this is my 4th time back.  You see, I married a military man, a 'tanker' who seems to be drawn to the 1st Calvary Division and as luck would have it the 1st Calvary Division is located in the heart of Central Texas.  And this is where the newest chapter of our lives begin, Six in the Hood, Ft. Hood that is.